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Here are some Theories/Headcanons. We hope you'd like to contemplate their validity. Or we just over-think things. It's probably the over-thinking part.

1. Weeping Angels are punished/banished Time Lords. Though it sound weird, there are many references to the creepy statues in the tenth Doctor's last episode (The End of Time Part 2). Anyway, Rassilon mentions things about being like weeping angels. Hmm. What do you think?


2. Our Universe is the parallel universe the Doctor went to once, and never came back to because he couldn't. Then there's the part human Doctor, too, and no one knows where he is. Anyone ever think about that? 0.0 THE FANDOM IS ALIIIIIVE. TUMBLR MUST BE HAPPY.


3. The Jenny from series 7 is really a regenerated form of the Jenny from the Doctor's Daughter. Well, it seemed that the real Jenny really didn't die, and went off fighting for what's right in outer space (sort of like a space heroine) and then at the end of The Doctor's Daughter, we saw her blast off into space. Well, is it a coincidence or what that these two girls have the same name?


4. Angie, (yes, that one annoying kid that's in Nightmare in Silver) is Queen Nefertiti in Dinosaurs on a Space ship. You know that Angie said she was going to be the queen of the universe. Also, she seems to look a whole load like the Egyptian queen. 


5. THIS THEORY WAS PRIOR TO THE NAME OF THE DOCTOR EPISODE. So, you know Clara in asylum of the daleks? Well, there was this theory that she soon enough became like the empress of the daleks. This could have lead to her going insane for not being capable of being a dalek, being that all those conversations with the Doctor and soufle making were in a dream, and the Doctor told her that is was one, it could have faded, leading to her not being able to survive. So, before she died, she could have scattered herself through time and space. Sort of like BADWOLF, if you think of it.


6. (This was prior to the 50th Anniversary Special) The Rose that's coming back in the 50th Anniversary is the effect of what Jackie Tyler was talking about in the episode in Series 2, Army of Ghosts. She was talking about how when she is gone, Rose won't want to come back to earth and keep travelling with the Doctor until there is nothing human left in here. I mean, look at that costume design! It's all torn up and tattered and stuff. Bits and pieces of stuff from other places.


7. Maybe the reason the tenth Doctor was so keen on saying "I'm so so sorry", is becuase in The Doctor Dances, Nancy admits that the empty child is her son and says "I'm so so sorry". 


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